SCIRESCO | univerzitní vědecké konference na jednom místě...

univerzitní konference | vědecké workshopy

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112 aktivních pozvánek na vědecká

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Conference Invitation

QUAERE - Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference for PhD. students and assistants 2024, vol. XIV.

  • June 24 - 26, 2024
  • Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference for PhD. students and assistants
  • Call For Papers


Detail konference

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Vysoká škola manažmentu v Trenčíne

International Workshop on Knowledge Management (12th IWKM)

School of Management (VŠM) in Trenčín, Slovakia, organizes the annual International Workshop on Knowledge Management (12th IWKM). In this year, the key topic will be Knowledge Management as a Framework for Industry 4.0.

Since its foundation, IWKM has been popular as a forum for intensive and productive formal and informal discussions. It would be our honour to meet you here as a participant.

Place and date of the event:

12th IWKM organized on 12 – 13 October 2017 in Trenčín. All below specified IWKM activities will be held in the VŠM Trenčín Building, Bezručova 64, Trenčín.

IWKM activities:

In the previous year, we started organizing pre-conference seminars. They will run on Thursday, 12 October:

The topic of S1 is Data Mining Tools and Computer Aided Quality (CAQ).
S2 will be organized as a panel discussion on Implementation of Knowledge Management in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME).
In order to strengthen business-university ties, companies’ presentations and job fair will start running as a novelty of this year.
Conference presentations in their traditional meaning proposed by any workshop participant.

Your offered talk should address one of below and their related topics:

Knowledge Management (KM) and its applications
KM and Industry 4.0
KM and CAQ in Quality Management
KM in Small and Medium Enterprises
Shared Economy
Creative Industry
Simulation and Virtual Reality

The IWKM language is English. All abstracts and then final versions should be using it. In your verbal contributions to during the conference, Czech and Slovak languages should be used exceptionally – an interpreter will be on hand upon request.


Vysoká škola manažmentu v Trenčíne

Místo konání:

Trenčín, Slovakia

Termín konání:

12.10.2017 - 13.10.2017


Prof. Ing. Edita Hekelová, PhD., rektorka VŠM


Prof. RNDr. Hvorecký Jozef, PhD., Ing. Renata Janošcová, PhD.
12th IWKM Co-chairs


Web konference:

Oborové zaměření konference:

Ekonomie, bankovnictví, finance, Informatika, informační technologie, Management, marketing, Průmysl, strojírenství, technologie, Ostatní

Parametry konference:

vědecký a programový výbor
více jednacích jazyků
příjem příspěvků
sborník s ISBN po ukončení
recenzovaný sborník
účastnický poplatek

Přidáno dne: 24. září 2017 v 03:05


Ekonomie, bankovnictví, finance, Informatika, informační technologie, Management, marketing, Průmysl, strojírenství, technologie, Ostatní, Vysoká škola manažmentu v Trenčíne, 12. října 2017